
jueves, abril 7

Are Political Views Reflected in Brain Structure ?

Spanish version

ScienceDaily (Apr. 7, 2011) — We all know that people at opposite ends of the political spectrum often really can't see eye to eye. Now, a new report published online on April 7th in Current Biology, reveals that those differences in political orientation are tied to differences in the very structures of our brains.
Individuals who call themselves liberal tend to have larger anterior cingulate cortexes, while those who call themselves conservative have larger amygdalas. Based on what is known about the functions of those two brain regions, the structural differences are consistent with reports showing a greater ability of liberals to cope with conflicting information and a greater ability of conservatives to recognize a threat, the researchers say.
"Previously, some psychological traits were known to be predictive of an individual's political orientation," said Ryota Kanai of the University College London. "Our study now links such personality traits with specific brain structure."
Kanai said his study was prompted by reports from others showing greater anterior cingulate cortex response to conflicting information among liberals. "That was the first neuroscientific evidence for biological differences between liberals and conservatives," he explained.
There had also been many prior psychological reports showing that conservatives are more sensitive to threat or anxiety in the face of uncertainty, while liberals tend to be more open to new experiences. Kanai's team suspected that such fundamental differences in personality might show up in the brain.
And, indeed, that's exactly what they found. Kanai says they can't yet say for sure which came first. It's possible that brain structure isn't set in early life, but rather can be shaped over time by our experiences. And, of course, some people have been known to change their views over the course of a lifetime.
It's also true that our political persuasions can fall into many more categories than liberal and conservative. "In principle, our research method can be applied to find brain structure differences in political dimensions other than the simplistic left- versus right-wingers," Kanai said. Perhaps differences in the brain explain why some people really have no interest in politics at all or why some people line up for Macs while others stick with their PCs. All of these tendencies may be related in interesting ways to the peculiarities of our personalities and in turn to the way our brains are put together.
Still, Kanai cautioned against taking the findings too far, citing many uncertainties about how the correlations they see come about.
"It's very unlikely that actual political orientation is directly encoded in these brain regions," he said. "More work is needed to determine how these brain structures mediate the formation of political attitude."

jueves, marzo 3

Chávez: “sería un cobarde si condenara a Gadafi”.

Hugo Chávez presidente de Venezuela dijo: sería un "cobarde" si condenara a Gaddafi”, al mismo tiempo que Estados Unidos mediante sus actuales líderes esta exagerando la situación de las protestas populares en Libia y ello con la finalidad de justificar una invasión y manejar la producción del petróleo crudo de Libia.

El presidente de Venezuela asegura de que Libia es un verdadero polvorín, y que lo que esta sucediendo se puede tranformar en una tragedia de grandes magnitudes y alcances: “en forma de guerra civil o en una invasión”. Chavez cree que en cualquier escenario se puede llegar a una confrontación internacional, que se extienda por toda la región norte de Africa, una invasión militar a Libia, es un verdadero peligro internacional.

Chavez agregó: "Hay que hacer un llamado a que actuemos políticamente, yo hago un llamado con todo respeto (...) a que no nos dejemos llevar por los tambores de la guerra”. Para Hugo Chávez, el gobierno norteamericano está exagerando y esta empeñado en distorsionar los acontecimientos a fin de justificar y obligar a otros países a invadir Libia.

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Carlos Toledolabarca Allvoices

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English Version.

Chavez: "I would be a coward if I condemn Gadhafi. "

President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela said “ I would be a coward if I condemn Gaddafi,” while the United States through their current leaders are exaggerating the situation of popular protests in Libya, in order to justify an invasion and to handle the production of crude oil from Libya.

The President of Venezuela says that Libya is a real powder keg to explode, and that is occurring can be transformed into a tragedy of major magnitude and ranges,"whether in the form of civil war or invasion. " Chavez believes that in any scenario may be reached international conflict, that will spread throughout the region north of Africa,a military invasion of Libya, Chavez said ... is a true international danger for every one.

Chavez added: "We have to call on us to act politically, I do a respectfully call (...)” to not get carried away by the drums of warfare. " To Hugo Chávez, the U.S. government is exaggerating and is engaged on to distort the events in order to justify and compel other countries to invade Libya.

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Carlos Toledolabarca Allvoices

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Rusos dicen que ataques aéreos contra manifestantes libios no han ocurrido.

El Ejército ruso sostiene que ataques aéreos contra manifestantes en Libia nunca han ocurrido

De acuerdo a Imágenes de satélite tomadas desde el espacio por los rusos, estas muestran que el 22 de febrero no hubieron ataques aéreos sobre Benghazi y Tripoli, y que todo es montaje para ser usado como justificación para una intervención militar “humanitaria”.

Fue un engaño premeditado. En un reportaje de Russia Today, Irina Galushko, dice que el Estado Mayor Conjunto de Rusia revisó imágenes de satélites espaciales, y que de acuerdo a ellas, no existe evidencia de ataques aéreos en esos días en ninguna ciudad Libia.

Aquellos ataques informados por Al Jazeera, BBC y otros medios occidentales , el 22 de febrero no aparecen en las imagenes tomadas por los satélites rusos. Segón los militares rusos, “las fotos muestran que nada de eso ocurrió en aquel terreno”...Galushko añadió en su reportaje que claramente no existe evidencia registrada en las camáras de televisión satelitales que indique que se ejecutó un ataque aéreo.

La reportera destaco que no hay dudas que Gaddafi y su gobierno, estan aplicando medidas para sofocar a los opositores a su regimén, que ya tienen bajo contro el oriente de Libia, la afirmación de ataques aéreos no es parte de la realidad. Debe recordarse que la información fue repetida incondicionalmente por los medios de occidente, no existiendo evidencia de los mismos.

Ante esta situación debe asumirse que lo de los ataques aéereos tiene relación con buscar una justificación para intervenir militarmente Libia “humanitariamente” por parte de la Otan Y Estados Unidos. Debe recordarse que Libia posee una de las más grandes reservas de crudo, y sus principales clientes son Italia, y otros países de Europa, y por supuesto Estados Unidos.

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Russians say that air strikes against Libyan protesters have not happened.

The Russian army says air strikes against Libya protesters have never occurred

Based to satellite images taken from the space by the Russians, they show that on February 22 there were not air strikes on Benghazi and Tripoli, and that it is all a set up to be used as a justification for military intervention so-called "humanitarian " .

It was a deliberate deceit.
In an report on Russia Today, Irina Galushko, said that the Joint Chiefs of Staff of Russia, revised images from satellites, and according to them, does not exist evidence of air strikes in those days in any city of Libya.

Those strikes reported by Al Jazeera, BBC and other Western media on 22 February, do not appear on satellite images taken by the Russians. According to the Russian military, "the photos show that nothing happened in that area"... Galushko added at her report, that clearly there is no recorded evidence in satellite television cameras to suggest that it was launched an air strike.

The news reporter emphasized that there is no doubt that Gaddafi and his government are applying measures to quell the opposition to his regime, opponents that already have under control the eastern part of Libya, but the affirmation of air strikes is not a reality. Should be remembered that the information was repeated unconditionally by the Western media, with no evidence of them.

In this situation it must be assumed that the information of air strikes, is related to seek a justification to intervene militarily Libya, "humanely" by NATO and the United States.

It must be remembered that Libya owns one of the largest crude oil reserves, and the main customers are Italy and other European countries, and of course the United States.

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Carlos Toledolabarca Allvoices

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lunes, febrero 28

End of Gaddafi dictatorship?

Gaddafi appears to more and more isolated, USA is supporting the rebels, the opposition to the regime it is becoming larger on the capital city Tripoli, and this is where Gaddafi is entrenched, and the remains of his government.

The opposition is in control of the two main cities in the east,Tobruk and Benghazi where there has been formed a National Council, which gathers all of the "liberated zones"and which will be the one will conduct the necessary process of transition. These two cities together represent the almost the whole of oil production in Libya. Hillary Clinton U.S. Secretary of State, is already in contact with the opposition groups to Gaddafi

Hillary Clinton, announced yesterday that her country is contacting the opposition groups seeking to overthrow Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. "We are communicating with many different Libyans in the east, as the revolution is moving toward the west, " said Clinton.

United States and Europe are conscious that the control of the territory of East Libya, by the opposition is irreversible fact.

Mrs. Clinton remarked that the United States will not negotiate with Gaddafi: 'We want him resigning, and we want the end of his regime, and that he stop to the mercenaries, and to the troops still loyal him ... How will he handle that,depends from him, "she said.

Also, British Prime Minister David Cameron yesterday February 27th, said: "that the time, Gaddafi's departure already arrived, and that Gaddafi is no longer in the future of Libya. "

Furthermore, Sunday February 27th, according to the Arabic news network Al Jazeera, the rebels took charge of the third largest city in the country. Mesrata city was abandoned by troops, and militia pro-Gaddafi.

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Carlos Toledolabarca.

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¿Se acaba el regimén de Gaddafi?

Gaddafi parece cada vez más aislado, EE.UU., esta apoyando a los rebeldes, la oposición al régimen se hace mayor en Trípoli la capital, y es el lugar donde esta atrincherado Gaddafi y lo que queda de su gobierno.

La oposición tiene el control de las dos ciudades más importantes en el oriente del país, Tobruk y Bengasi donde se formó un Consejo Nacional que reune a todo el resto de las “zonas liberadas” y que será el que llevará adelante el ya necesario proceso de transición. Estas dos ciudades juntas representan la casi totalidad de la producción de petróleo de Libia. Hillary Clinton la Secretaria de Estado de EE.UU., ya esta en contacto con los grupos opositores a Gaddafi

Hillary Clinton, anunció ayer que su país está contactando con grupos de la oposición libia que buscan derrocar al líder Muammar Gaddafi. "Nos estamos comunicando con muchos libios diferentes en el este, ya que la revolución se mueve hacia el oeste", indicó Clinton. Estados Unidos y Europa están conscientes que el control del territorio Este de Libia,por parte de la oposición es un hecho irreversible.
La señora Clinton remarco que su país no negociara con Gaddafi:"Queremos que renuncie y queremos que finalice su régimen y que detenga a los mercenarios y a las tropas que siguen leales a él...Cómo manejará eso, depende de él", apuntó.
También el Primer Ministro británico David Cameron el día de ayer 27 de Febrero, “que la hora de partir de Gaddafi ya llegó, y que Gaddafi ya no esta en el futuro de Libia”.
Por otra parte, ayer 27 de Febrero, según la cadena de noticias árabe Al Jazeera, los rebeldes se hicieron cargo de la tercera ciudad más importante del país. Mesrata fue abandonada por tropas y milicias pro-Gaddafi.

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Carlos Toledolabarca

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martes, febrero 22

Gaddafi: I'm dying here as a martyr

Officials authorities in Tripoli issued a first report that figures about the count of victims in the riots in the recent days. According to the announcement, 300 people have been killed until now in the riots, some are 242 civilians they informed.

Tuesday Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, carried a recording speech, the first since the beginning of the riots in his country. Gaddafi blamed Western nations of inciting the protests, saying that:- "I'm not going to leave this country. I'm dying here as a martyr, skeletons are still lying in their graves of my ancestors. " He also added: "Muammar Gaddafi is not ruler who resigns, Gaddafi is the chief of a revolution... and Revolution means sacrifices. " He said that "the young guys who is imitating what had happened in Tunisia and Egypt, but I have no intention to quit or surrender as other leaders. "

United Nations:
After a special session to review the developments in Libya,the UN issued a "strong condemnation against the Libyan government, " calling to prosecute those responsible for violence against civilians.

UN Security Council reunited this evening (Wednesday), release a tough condemnation of the violence against the people in Libya, calling and warning …”that shall be prosecute those responsible for violence against civilians” .
The announcement was made after having heard to U. S. Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, when a few hours before referring the turmoil in the country, she protest against the Libya leader Muammar Gaddafi, in power in Tripoli and asked to avoid using violence against protesters.
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Cifras Oficiales de la masacre en Libia.

Autoridades oficiales de Trípoli emitieron un primer informe acerca de las cifras sobre el número de víctimas en los disturbios de los últimos días. Según el anuncio, 300 personas han muerto hasta ahora en los disturbios,y 242 son civiles.

El líder libio Muammar Gaddafi, (martes)en un discurso previamente grabado, el primero emitido desde el comienzo de los disturbios en su país, culpó a las naciones occidentales de incitar las protestas, y dijo además: - ". No voy a dejar este país, moriré aquí como un mártir, los esqueletos de mis antepasados aquí yacen en sus tumbas”.
También agregó: "Muammar Gaddafi no es un jefe que renuncie, Gaddafi es el jefe de una revolución ... y la Revolución exige sacrificio, y a los jóvenes que está imitando lo que ha sucedido enTúnez y Egipto... no tengo ninguna intención de arrancarme o entrega el poder como otros líderes. "

Naciones Unidas:
Después de un período extraordinario de sesiones para revisar los sucesos en Libia, las Naciones Unidas emitieron una "enérgica condena contra el gobierno libio", llamando a enjuiciar a los responsables de la violencia contra la población civil.

El Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU reunido esta tarde llegada ya la noche (miércoles), lanzó una dura condena de la violencia contra el pueblo de Libia, he hizo un llamado y aviso diciendo ... "que se enjuiciaran a los responsables de la violencia contra la población civil".
El anuncio fue hecho después de haber oído a la Secretaria de Estado de EE.UU., Hilary Clinton, la que unas horas antes se había referido a la situación agitada de Libia , y la condena de la respuesta violenta del gobernante en contra de la población civil que protesta, dirigiéndose directamente a Muammar Gaddafi, en el poder enTrípoli,lo llamó a evitar el uso de la violencia contra los manifestantes.
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Gaddafi urges violent showdown and tells Libya 'I'll die a martyr'

Muammar Gaddafi set the stage for a violent, final showdown to crushLibya's popular uprising by urging loyalists to take to the streets to fight "greasy rats" in the pay of enemies ranging from the US to al-Qaida.

In an angry, ranting and often incoherent speech, the beleaguered Libyan leader ignored evidence of repression and bloodshed, including new reports of death squads, to insist that he would die in his homeland rather than flee abroad.

"I am not going to leave this land," Gaddafi vowed in a live broadcast on state TV. "I will die as a martyr at the end … I shall remain, defiant. Muammar is leader of the revolution until the end of time."

Speaking in front of the Tripoli compound bombed by US planes in 1986, he invoked the spirit of resistance to foreign powers and warned that the US could occupy Libya like Afghanistan. He claimed protesters were on hallucinogenic drugs and wanted to turn Libya into an Islamic state. They deserved the death penalty, he said, waving his Green Book.

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His address showed that, despite an estimated 300 people already killed, he is prepared to unleash more violence even though parts of the country, including its second city, Benghazi, Tobruk and other eastern towns, are already out of control of his security forces. Ominously, he observed that "the integrity of China was more important than [the people] in Tiananmen Square" – scene of the 1989 massacre of democracy protesters.

Reports from Tripoli described corpses left in the streets, burnt-out cars and shops, and armed mercenaries who looked as if they were from other parts of Africa. Residents were running out of food and water because they feel too threatened to leave their houses.

Videos emerged on a filesharing website of mobs lynching two people who were understood to be mercenaries. Other film appeared of a demonstrator shot in the head by a sniper and of bodies torn apart, perhaps by artillery fire.

"Men in brand new Mitsubishi cars without licence plates are shooting at groups of people, three or four, wherever they see them gathering," said a resident of the Tripoli neighbourhood of Fashloum. "These are Gaddafi's death squads."

The BBC broadcast footage sent out of Libya via the internet, which showed protesters under fire in Tripoli and troops patrolling residential neighbourhoods. Phone lines into the country were down.

Navi Pillay, the UN human rights chief, called for the "immediate cessation of grave human rights violations committed by Libyan authorities". Citing reports of the use of machine guns, snipers and aircraft against civilians, she called for an independent international investigation into the killings. "The callousness with which Libyan authorities and their hired guns are reportedly shooting live rounds of ammunition at peaceful protesters is unconscionable," Pillay said.

With communications sporadic, it was impossible to confirm reports that key army units had defected or that officers had refused to obey orders to attack civilians. A Libyan naval frigate which sailed in the Maltese capital, Valletta, was thought to be seeking to surrender.

Unconfirmed reports on Tuesday said the interior minister had resigned, urging the army to join the people and respond to the "legitimate demands".

Libyan and foreign analysts said Gaddafi's characteristically bizarre performance underlined his desperation. "He is like an injured animal," said an exiled opposition activist, Abu Nasser. "He knows he has his back to the wall." Noman Benotman, a former Islamist fighter, said: "He will stay and fight until the last day."

Like his son Saif al-Islam, Gaddafi played deliberately on fears of division, foreign occupation and civil war and Somalia-like state collapse.

Crowds of protesters were seen hurling shoes at a giant TV screen as Gaddafi spoke. State TV broadcast pictures of supporters cheering and waving flags.

William Hague, Britain's foreign secretary, scorned Gaddafi's claim of a conspiracy of world leaders against him. "There is no such conspiracy," he said. "It is his own people who are rising up against him and trying to overthrow him and it is his own people who he has shamefully failed to protect from his own forces."

Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, called the speech "very frightening".

Following Colonel Gaddafi's television appearance, the Italian prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, telephoned him and rejected his assertion that Rome had been arming his adversaries. The Libyan leader said during the broadcast that Italy and the US had supplied the protestors with rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs).

Ansa news agency reported that Berlusconi had "curtly denied" the claim. His foreign minister, Franco Frattini, said it was an "utter falsehood that leaves [one] dismayed and dumbfounded".

Berlusconi has had exceptionally warm relations with Gaddafi since signing a treaty of friendship in 2008 under which Libya undertook to block clandestine migration to Italy.

During their 20-minute conversation, Italy's prime minister said a peaceful solution was needed to prevent the country from descending into civil war. But Gaddafi told him: "Everything is going fine in Libya", Ansa reported.

The Arab League, meeting in special session in Cairo, said it was suspending Libya from its sessions. In Brussels, the EU suspended a framework agreement it had been negotiating with Libya.

In New York, the UN Security Council condemned the use of violence and called for those responsible for attacks on civilians to be held to account, in a statement agreed by the 15-nation council after a day of debate on the clashes. Earlier, western diplomats said it was too soon for the council to discuss sanctions against Libya or the imposition of an internationally policed "no-fly zone" to stop Libyan aircraft targeting civilians.

In London, Libyan anti-government protesters gathered at Downing Street to demand Gaddafi step down. Film-maker and opposition activist Mohamed Maklouf attacked the "hypocrisy" of the west. "They don't care about the Arabs … they only care about the oil," he said.

lunes, febrero 21

Violence extreme do not stop in Libya.

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Network Al - Arabiya reported that a military source said that order was issued to bomb the city of Benghazi in two hours.
Also reported that the fighter jets and tanks firing on to hundreds of thousands of demonstrators. In recent reports the network - Jazeera said about another 160 protesters were killed by Qaddafi's forces.

Libyan state television showed the violence by security forces against protesters in a slightly different sight: "the country security forces has operated against terrorist nests " the report said.

TV called citizens to cooperate with security forcesand to be away from "organized gangs. "

French news agency quoted witnesses that they said, that the numbers of killed in the neighborhoods Pshloma Taj in the city of Tripoli have created a "massacre. " They affirmed that security forces fired at and killed too many civilians, including women.

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Gaddafi regime will collapse into civil war...

The extreme violence against protesters in Libya continues at this time: State media reported yesterday (Monday) on a huge demonstration in Tripoli, and that the security forces of Gaddafi also use live ammunition to disperse the crowds of enemies of the revolution.

Following the violent events in Libya, demonstrations are going to increase.
Libya's justice minister resigned today (Monday) in protest for the violence used against dissidents. In addition, three Libya ambassadors - in London, Indonesia and Sweden resigned today in protest government violence against demonstrators.
Libya's ambassador to the United Nations said today that :"Gaddafi must leave his post as leader of the country. "

Libyan Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations, has said that if Gaddafi would not do it by himself, "Libyan people will fire him, on his own. "

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Libyan fighter planes that landed in Malta after the pilots defected

Libyan Air Force pilots said the regime ordered them to bomb the demonstrators in the country. The pilots have defected with the aircrafts to Malt.
The two Libyan Air Force pilots that have defected, flew with the planes to Malta, where they told authorities that the regime in Libya have ordered to the Army and the Air Force to bomb the protesters in the country. The Malta government officials said tonight.

Another senior official, reported that two pilots, both with the rank of colonel, took off from the base near Tripoli, one of them even asked for political asylum in Malta.
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Muammar Gaddafi had fled the country

British Foreign Secretary William Hague said that he has information that Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi had fled the country and makes its way to Venezuela. "You asked me earlier whether Colonel Gaddafi was in Venezuela, "said Hague, talking to reporters outside a meeting of foreign ministers of the EU in Brussels, "I have no information indicating that he was indeed there, but I've seen information that indicates that he was on his way there at this time ".
A senior official in the government of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez denied the report and then denied the report also Libyan deputy foreign minister argued that the Yedioth news are false. "

Meanwhile, the United States issued a travel warning to Libya this evening announced that it offers to all its citizens to leave the country immediately.
Washington State Department also ordered the evacuation of all workers from Libya's non-essential U.S. embassy in the country and the families of diplomats there. There is a travel warning saying that the riots and looting are expected to continue along the country.
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Carlos Toledolabarca Allvoices

Gaddafi estaría en Venezuela.

El Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores británico William Hague dijo que tiene información de que el líder libio Muammar Gadafi había huido del país y estaba en camino a Venezuela. "Ustedes me preguntaron antes si el coronel Gaddafi estaba en Venezuela", dijo Hague, hablando a los periodistas fuera de una reunión de ministros de Relaciones Exteriores de la UE en Bruselas, "no tengo ninguna información que indique que él esta de hecho allí, pero he visto la información que indica que él estaba en ese camino en este momento ".

Un funcionario de alto rango en el gobierno del presidente venezolano Hugo Chávez negó el informe y luego también el informe fue negado por el viceministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Libia quien sostuvo que las noticias de “Yedioth” (cadena israelí) son falsas. "

Mientras tanto, los Estados Unidos emitió una advertencia de viaje a Libia esta tarde anunció que llama a todos sus ciudadanos a abandonar el país inmediatamente.
Em Washington el Departamento de Estado, también ordenó la evacuación de todos los trabajadores no esenciales de la embajada de EE.UU en Libia así como la vuelta al país de las familias de los diplomáticos estacionados allí.
Hay una advertencia de viaje diciendo que los disturbios y los saqueos continuaran a través de todo Libia.

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Libya: Civil War?

The news website Al Youm, based in London reported that the Libyan army used self-propelled grenades and other types of heavy weapons against the demonstrators.
While, a witness of the attacks, Ali Belaqasem, told AlJazeera channel, "that all the dead bodies presented gunshotwounds in the head or the chest. "All young people, alldisarmed, " said Belaqasem.

Protests launched past Tuesday continued to in a sixth consecutive day in different cities in the country, with higher violence and strength in the city of Benghazi, in the northeast of Libya, where have been occurred most part of the deaths.There are also deaths in the cities of Misurata and Al Bayda,northern coastal sector.

The danger of a civil war is imminent, according to Al Youm, army soldiers would have joined the protesters in the city of Benghazi.
Information that have not been able to be confirmed, say that the opposition to Gaddafi, had "liberated number cities", in whole or partially. By the same Arab news agency Al Jazeera reported that the uprising in Benghazi is to dimensions of a "civil war. "

The Libyan state news agency Jana, has reported infiltration of "foreign plotters" in the protests anti Muammar Gaddafi, and that were arrested, Palestinians, Tunisians, Sudanese among the plotters, also mentioned the probable participation of Israel Intelligence"

At the same time for its part, the state television channel Al Jamahiriya,informed that the demonstrations in support of Gaddafi, are becoming larger, and the TV station showed images of hundreds of people clamoring the leader of the "revolution "with Gaddafi banners In their hands.

The newspaper Asharq Al Awsat reported un officially that the Gaddafi family will remain in the country, "to die in Libya land, if necessary to, " the same source added to the journal that relatives of the Libyan leader which were in abroad, have returned to the country Thursday.

Breaking news!

In a TV address, Seif al-Islam Qadhafi son of the dictator, admitted protesters have seized control of some military bases, weapons and tanks....